Signs of Spring

January 12, 2016

I know that retail outlets tend to rush the seasons - Christmas items hit the shelves well before Halloween, and swimwear hits the aisles as we shiver in the single digit temps.  But there's one thing I don't mind seeing early in the stores:

I love seed shopping, finding new varieties and old favorites.  I'm also an avid seed saver...well, more of a confessed seed hoarder, but that's another story.

Because I'm an impatient gardener, I have jumped the season a bit and started seeds already.  Yes, I realize it's ridiculously early, but think how big and healthy these plants will be when they show up at the North End Farmers' Market this spring!

If you are interested in learning to start your own plants indoors, we have an upcoming class - Starting Seeds Indoors:  Planning your home or market garden.

We'll cover the basics of seed starting, how to keep the plants healthy and happy as they grow, how to avoid those leggy, sad little seedlings most of us associate with indoor plants, as well as what to start early, and when.

I started these trays over the New Year's holiday...

And already a few seedlings are popping up...



Plants that will be available at the market this spring include a wide variety of heirloom tomato plants, peppers, okra, and even Goji Berry bushes.  It's still early enough to order more seed, so if you have a special request, leave a comment and we'll see what we can do for you.  Maybe you have a favorite tomato that is hard to find, or a pepper you've been dying to try - we'll see if we can find that seed and get some started!


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134 N. Main St., Mansfield, Ohio 44902

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