August 7, 2018 is a special day for Mansfield residents. A special election day. This election is to fill the vacancy in the Office of the Twelfth Congressional District of Ohio. Former Representative Pat Tiberi resigned from the office on January 15, 2018 and three candidates are currently vying for the position.
Representatives in congress typically serve two-year terms, however this election is to fill a vacant seat with a term ending in January of 2019. Although the term following this election is shorter than usual, it is no less important. Currently the Office of the Twelfth Congressional District of Ohio has no voting power in the United States Congress. The Representative that heads the office has duties that include introducing bills and resolutions, offering amendments and serving on committees. While the seat has been vacant, those duties have been inactive and the voices of people in Mansfield are going unheard.
Three candidates are currently running for the position. Troy Balderson is the Republican Party candidate and you can reach his campaign website by clicking here. Danny O’Connor is the Democratic Party candidate and you can find his campaign website by clicking here. The third candidate is running with the Green Party, his name is Joe Manchik and you can find more information on his campaign by clicking here.
As a resident of the Twelfth Congressional District of Ohio it is important to head to the polls on August 7th and take part in Democracy. If that doesn’t work for you early in-person voting has already commenced. If you are interested in voting early, you can do so by going to the Richland County Board of Elections.
Early Voting Hours
Tuesday, July 10 to Friday, July 27 (Weekdays) 8:00am – 5:00pm
Monday, July 30 to Friday, August 3 8:00am - 7:00pm
Saturday, August 4 8:00am - 4:00pm
Sunday, August 5 1:00pm – 5:00pm
Monday, August 6 8:00am – 2:00pm
Richland County Board of Elections
1495 W. Longview Ave. Suite 101
Mansfield, Oh 44906
If you are unsure of your current voter registration status you can click here.
If you want to locate your polling place you can click here.
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