Our community is here to help our small businesses.

April 01, 2020


We're in this together.

We all know during this rough time, our small businesses have taken a major hit. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the Richland Area Chambers of Commerce, Richland Source, and other major influences in our city are promoting trainings through webinars and other online sources to continue the growth of our community. 

Here are some great links to trainings and resources available:

Are you a female business owner in Richland County? A veteran business owner? African-American, Asian, Hispanic/Latino, or American Indian? Do you want to take your business to the next level? Then join us on Wednesday April 8 from 10am till noon for this FREE webinar designed to educate business owners about getting certified through the state of Ohio. Certification will allow you to bid on government contracts and offers the prime opportunity to grow your business! Register in the link above! 

 Click Here to Register

Small businesses have been hit very hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. Thankfully, the team over at the Richland Area Chamber of Commerce have put together a list of resources for local businesses as we unite to support each other in these difficult times. 

Click here the list of resources

Even though we currently find ourselves in very uncertain times, the Richland Source team continues to answer our questions and bring some clarity to our socially-distanced lives. In this webinar, President Jay Allred was joined by Jodie Perry of the Richland Area Chamber and Economic Development and Jennifer Kime of Downtown Mansfield, Inc. to share resources and advice to help small businesses survive these difficult times. 

Click here for more

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, small businesses and nonprofit organizations in Ohio are eligible to apply for Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) from the Small Business Administration (SBA). "The loans may be used to pay fixed debts, payroll, accounts payable and other bills that can’t be paid because of the impact of COVID-19." 

 Click here for the disaster loan program

Jodie Perry, Richland Area Chamber & Economic Development president, shared some business information related to COVID-19. This includes resources regarding Workers Compensation, unemployment, SBA Disaster Loans, manufacturers, and more. 

Click here for more resources




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134 N. Main St., Mansfield, Ohio 44902

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