Meet our new Recruitment Coordinator-Crystal Weese

September 23, 2020


Expanding readiness, access, and participation among men of color:

Crystal Weese's new role as NECIC's Recruitment Coordinator is through the Area 10 Workforce Development Grant- who's goal is to connect residents of color to our workforce partners.

The Coordinator is responsible for the outreach to minority owned businesses and African American males to inform them of the services of the Ohio Means Jobs Centers in Richland and Crawford counties. 

The sub-reward that is granted to the Richland Area Chamber is to hire someone to train local businesses for a community opportunity/connecting employers and businesses in web base platform across the state.

Connecting Minority businesses and African American men to Ohio Means Jobs (OMJ) and local workforce-NC State, Pioneer, and Madison Adult. There is a specific focus on health, manufacturing, and construction

Crystal Weese was hired per the grant to make an effort directly from The Richland County State of the African American Community Report written by Edward Akinyemi.

In the report, there are two parts: Part 1 is data collection to provide insight of the various aspects of African Americans’ lives. While Part 2 offers a few solutions to the problems that the data in Part 1 contains. One of those solutions is to increase the labor force participation rate of African Americans, with a strong focus on men.

Get to know Crystal Weese

What made you want to apply for this position?

 I have always admired the work of NECIC, their work has always been to promote continuous development within the African American community here in Mansfield. This position aligns with much of my past work experience and being a support and getting information to those seeking economic progress is something I take great pride in.

 How will you engage candidates to get them to the resources they never thought was available?

 Through collaborative efforts between educational institutions, community organizations, churches, corporate partners, planned events and job fairs. This community has a wealth of resources, so my main focus will be to connect the business owners and job seekers to that information; Help broaden their network and work alongside of them throughout the process.

 What are you most excited for in this position?

 Talking to and getting to know the business owner’s and job seekers. Through conversation and collaboration, I will begin creating initiatives that will focus on their needs. Their input is key in expanding readiness, access, and participation among men of color: And connecting them to careers that offer sustainable pay, security, personal satisfaction, and upward economic mobility.

Crystal Weese is available Monday-Friday from 8am-4:30pm

Contact her at or (419)-522-1611 EXT 104




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134 N. Main St., Mansfield, Ohio 44902

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